A bard who was travelling with Akhbar entices a red dragon.
(Picture by Akhbar)

Akhbar is greeted by a large goat Grogan in Yew.
(Picture by Akhbar)

DarKnight shows off his craftsmanship for Akhbar and Grogan.
(Picture by Akhbar)

The road disappeared so Akhbar slaved one of those male whores from hell to show him the way through the forest.
(Picture by Akhbar)

An orc talks shit to Akhbar and DarKnight.
(Picture by Akhbar)

Akhbar and Gaalem Thawn of the Order of Balance on their way to the sea.
(Picture by Akhbar)

Bashing earth elementals and styling while they do it.
(Picture by Akhbar)

Akhbar approaches the wooden fort in the Great Forest.
(Picture by Akhbar)

Kurva and Akhbar just hanging out in a city.
(Picture by Akhbar)

Ceryx, Seawolf, and Parabellum playing with fire outside the Fort.
(Picture by Ceryx)

A lost and wandering Rev. Brucifer uses his subconscious Fuckhead tracking skill to find Grogan, Krom, and Ceryx somewhere in the ass end of the Great Forest.
(Picture by Ceryx)

Ceryx and Grogan riding their little ponies.
(Picture by Ceryx)

Luminous races passed the Pearl of Trinsic followed closely by Ceryx who is weilding a large, phallic-looking sword.
(Picture by Ceryx)

Shaka Kromela of ZuluLand and Akhbar standing around in some clearing somewhere.
(Picture by Krom)

Krom, Rain Dragon, GreenEvil, Smoky, and some others in Britain.
(Picture by Krom)

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