Romanov gives in to the latest in summer fashion trends.
(Picture by GreenEvil)

Rev. Brucifer sees some kind of barbecue in the Great Forest.
(Picture by Rev. Brucifer)

Rev. Brucifer finds some ruins on the way to Cove from Vesper.
(Picture by Rev. Brucifer)

Smoky's robe is mysteriously fucked up by someone's damn dye kit. No idea who could've done it...
(Picture by Rev. Brucifer)

Rev. Brucifer watches Smoky shred Cove's guards with blade spirit.
(Picture by Rev. Brucifer)

Praecor-Lolth shows off his negative robe.
(Picture by Rev. Brucifer)

A reaper talks some trash to Akhbar.
(Picture by Akhbar)

Akhbar laughs as Krommy Bear chases some clueless guy.
(Picture by Akhbar)

Tesla finds his long-lost brother while adventuring with Akhbar and Krom.
(Picture by Akhbar)

Akhbar, Cain, Kurva, Duncan, and Grogan train their combat skills in the Champions of Light hall in Vesper.
(Picture by Akhbar)

Akhbar goes underground in the Vesper cemetary where Luminous finds a heart.
(Picture by Akhbar)

Akhbar spots a dead, naked female under a tree.
(Picture by Akhbar)

GreenEvil, Grandmaster Whore, takes advantage.
(Picture by Akhbar)

Akhbar stars in his first porno.
(Picture by Akhbar)

This is either Riva, Ruziska, and Akhbar beating the shit out of a fire elemental, or someone has some serious gas problem.
(Picture by Akhbar)

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