Rather than be seduced by GreenEvil's whore powers, a young lady kills herself.
(Picture by GreenEvil)
Cie and GreenEvil find a dead dragon in Britain.
(Picture by GreenEvil)
Monty proves that a black man needs no shadows to hide.
(Picture by Monty)
Future two-time victim of Luminous, DarkBlade stumbles into the fort, commenting on the fact that he shit his pants after seeing Monty and Cie.
(Picture by Monty)
Riva kills a ghoul he caught trying to piss on his horse's leg.
(Picture by Monty)
Monty demonstrates his psycho running skills with torch and executionor's axe in hand.
(Picture by Monty)
Dorfman decides to take a piss on a tree, giving Riva flashbacks of the ghoul...
(Picture by Monty)
...and in turn, Riva kills a troll.
(Picture by Monty)
Smoky brushes up on his literacy skills after the kill.
(Picture by Monty)
"Fish Revisited", crate artwork by Monty.
(Picture by Monty)
Thornn attempts to make new friends in this cave. He tried to tame that red dragon.
(Picture by Thornn)
Powerslave tries to take Ceryx and Immortal on a cruise. Grogan bought the boat but left from the frustration of trying to make the thing move.
(Picture by Powerslave)
ALT=""Mocker warns a traveller about the dangerous destination of a moongate.
(Picture by Mocker)
Mocker ends up amidst all kinds of creepy shit.
(Picture by Mocker)
Mocker, a Sorcerer of Sodomy, finds a suitable altar for summoning badassedness.
(Picture by Mocker)