Another course offered at the School of Grogan is stylish dressing. Witness Grogan, the Sparkle God.
(Picture by Grogan)
Smoky is either wearing an orc mask or he is one ugly motherfucker. Actually, it's both.
(Picture by Smoky)
That drunkard Most Violent tries to get real friendly with the lady Fuckheads.
(Picture by Acady)
Acady, Most Violent, and Romanov sporting their plate.
(Picture by Acady)
Acady and Powerslave styling their plate in Moonglow.
(Picture by Acady)
Acady, Romanov, and TiTs work the streets of Cove.
(Picture by Acady)
GreenEvil silently stares at the nakedness of Acady and TiTs while they claim to have been raped by Mr. Clinton.
(Picture by Acady)
Acady had her period in the butcher shop.
(Picture by Acady)
Acady watches TiTs' prostitution technique.
(Picture by Acady)
Acady and TiTs brought Rezurecta into the woods so they could kill him.
(Picture by Acady)
Acady kills everything in sight on the road to Vesper.
(Picture by Acady)
Here's the Fuckheads Fleet which consisted of six ships.
(Picture by Acady)
Acady, Kurva, and Powerslave showing off their plate.
(Picture by Acady)
Acady, Krom, and Romanov on their way to Destard.
(Picture by Acady)
Krom tries to solicit sex from an NPC.
(Picture by Acady)